Confidential On-Campus Resources
Academic and Staff Assistance Program: offer a referral or arrange an appointment with a licensed professional counselor. They provide individual consultation to assist in resolving workplace problems. Services are available to staff, supervisors, managers, administrators and faculty to help assess the nature of the problem or conflict. A number of interventions aimed at improving workplace performance can be provided. The Academic and Staff Assistance Program keeps a confidential record of your appointment(s) that is separate from all other UCSB records, including departmental and personnel files. Information you provide us is strictly confidential and will not be shared without your written permission. A report made to this office does not constitute official notice to the University about problems or policy violations.
Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education (CARE): is UC Santa Barbara’s confidential advocacy and education office for interpersonal violence (sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking). We offer free and confidential services for students, staff, faculty, alumni, community members, and friends/loved ones impacted interpersonal and gender-based violence and we provide violence prevention education for the entire UCSB campus. A report made to this office does not constitute official notice to the University about problems or policy violations.
Counseling Services: assist students to achieve their personal, social, academic and career goal; help students understand and better manage their personal concerns and guide them making educational and vocational choices; provide psychological consultation and training to staff, faculty, and student leaders in topics related to leadership, communication skills, conflict management, etc. The Counseling Services staff is a diverse, multidisciplinary and multicultural group of counseling and clinical psychologists, doctoral level professional psychology students and undergraduate peers. Counseling services for students includes individual and group counseling as well as crisis intervention. Stress management services include relaxation rooms, self-help materials, massage workshops and a Test Anxiety program. A report made to this office does not constitute official notice to the University about problems or policy violations.
Office of the Ombuds: is a resource for conflict management that serves all members of the UC Santa Barbara community, including faculty, staff, students, and anyone with a campus-related concern. They assist the campus community with the informal resolution of any University-related complaint or conflict by offering a safe and confidential place to discuss workplace issues, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns, bureaucratic runarounds, and many other problems. You can speak freely to us because we keep our discussions confidential, and we are not part of any formal University process. A report made to this office does not constitute official notice to the University about problems or policy violations.
Non-Confidential On-Campus Resources
Academic Personnel: The Office of Academic Personnel is a service organization whose mission is to facilitate the recruitment, appointment, advancement, and development of outstanding and diverse faculty and academic appointees. The Office of Academic Personnel interacts with the Office of the President, the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellor, Colleges, Departments, and academic employees to develop, analyze, interpret and implement academic personnel policies and procedures.
Academic Senate: The Santa Barbara Division of the Academic Senate operates as a legislative body, and as a system of councils, committees, and elected officials run by and for the faculty. It functions in accord with the Systemwide Bylaws and Regulations of the Senate, and under its own set of Divisional Bylaws and Regulations. The Division and its officials are responsible to the faculty at UCSB, and report directly to the Academic Assembly.
Bias Incident Response: is the reporting point for student victims of hate crimes and hate incidents on campus and in IV, as well as faculty and staff victims of hate crimes or incidents committed by students. The office investigates alleged incidents, organize the University's response, and work with both victims and perpetrators.
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women: is an administrative committee that has existed on campus since the mid-1970s. It draws its membership from faculty, staff, and students on campus with standing members including the director of the Women's Center, our Title IX Coordinator and Sexual Harassment Officer, chair(s) from the Senior Women's Council and chair(s) from the Professional Women's Association. The charge of CACSW is to advise and consult with the Chancellor about concerns and issues regarding the status of women at UCSB.
Disabled Students Program: serves as the campus liaison regarding issues and regulations related to students with disabilities. The DSP staff works in an advisory capacity with a variety of campus departments to ensure that equal access is provided to all disabled students.
Distressed Student Program: The coordinators of student mental health services will consult about a student, provide referrals to campus departments, develop actions plans, and follow up with students, staff and faculty as appropriate.
Educational Opportunity Program: is committed to providing a support and information base that validates each student's experience and nurtures a sense of participation, belonging and empowerment. Through mentorship, academic programs, one-to-one counseling/advising, campus student support service referrals and social/cultural programming, we strive to maximize a student's involvement and success in the campus academic community.
Graduate Division: is committed to excellence in research, diversity, and intellectual innovation in UC Santa Barbara graduate education.
Human Resources: is a valued leader in the delivery of Human Resources services to campus in support of the University's commitment to teaching, research and public service.
Multicultural Center: provides a safe space for students of color, international students, and gay, lesbian, and bisexual students, the MCC serves as a bridge to the entire campus community. To that end, the MCC offers a broad spectrum of events including lectures, panel discussions, films and videos, musical, dance, and dramatic performances, and poetry readings, which are all open to the general public.
Orientation Programs: introduces students to the UCSB campus, important student services, and academic expectations at the university level. Students who attend Orientation will receive extensive academic advising and meet with faculty, staff and continuing UCSB students.
Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity: provides a visible presence on campus for and enhances connection and community among self-identified: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Genderqueer, Gender Non-Conforming, Queer, Questioning, Two-Spirit, Same Gender Loving, Downe individuals and communities, as well as People with Intersex Conditions.
Women's Center: uses a feminist approach to provide support, advocacy, resources and education to the UCSB community.